Accents are my specialty. There is a difference between doing a good foreign accent, and doing a foreign accent and being fluent in that particular language. This is where I excel. I speak these languages fluently, as a native speaker would. I love being able to fool locals.
I am fluent in English, French, Greek, Spanish and German. My Italian and Portuguese are conversational. All the languages are accent free and with local fluency. Different accents include American-General, American-Southern, British-General, French, Spanish, Greek, German, Italian, Irish. I can perform almost any accent, and will perfect it, if it is one that I am not fluent/familiar with.
Here are some samples:
Mixed Sample: Male & Female, Different Accents/Languages (British, Italian, German, Greek, French, Spanish) – 1 Min
Music intro / American woman, British man / Italian opera teacher and student, Italian sentence / German woman, German sentence / Greek man, Greek sentence / French woman and man, French sentence / French older man / Spanish woman, Spanish sentence. Music fade out.
Frenchman and young American boy – 2.53 Min
Dialogue between female and male in French – 1.10 Min
From the novel Froid Comme La Pierre
Males speaking English, French and Swahili; female speaking Swahili – 2.43 Min
Dialogue between an American and Tanzanians, speaking English, French and Swahili.
Excerpt from the book ‘Pigment: The Limbs of the Mukuyu Tree’.
An Italian opera teacher and her young student – 2.02 Min
Multi-accent sample. A Greek, an American, an Englishman, a German woman, and an Irish couple – 4.39 Min
American woman and an English man. Prelude to becoming lovers.